the Status of your Order No.###has been changed.
這個不是你的order no 被改變了.而是你的狀態改變了
例如一開始網路填寫報名成功.然後你在你的order Status 可能只是顯示Pending ...就是審核中或是未決定
後來還會收到一封the Status of your Order No.###has been changed. 顯示 Confirmed 被證實的
最後會收到一封 the Status of your Order No.###has been anged 顯示Shipped 被傳送中
還有我之前說我一網路填寫完資料我就去匯款了.她裡面有一個order no說要填在備註欄上(代表你的學號)
但是後來又給我一個 reference number 我就覺得那悶.那我已經繳費完了.才又給我一個.結果是沒關係的
Your order number is ###. Your
pupil number = reference number with our school is ####. If you transferred
the money with your order number ### that is ok, no problem. When we receive
the money we will send you the Certificate for the visa by airmail. Kind
regards, BSI