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代po訊息 (1) 歡迎漢堡同學參加! 亦歡迎其他同學會轉貼

邀請  參加2009年比利時布倫肯堡市(Blankenburg)第30屆國際健走大會與加入全球平和市長聯盟  :

[全球平和市長聯盟]為由日本廣島市長於1982年於聯合國倡議, 以結合全球地方首長, 推動全球之和平 ; 另比利時伊貝市(Ypres)市長因第一次世界大戰之創痛等, 亦全力支持 ; 迄今國際上有2千多個地方政府(縣市鄉鎮)代表加入此國際市長組織 (http://www.mayorsforpeace.org/english/index.html) ;

本2009年5月2至3日於比利時布倫肯堡市(Blankenburg)舉辦的第30屆國際健走大會, 將由國內[希望基金會]代表臺灣提供主題國節目, 屆時亦將有全球平和市長聯盟代表踴躍出席 ; 參與 "為和平而走"(Walk for Peace)健走活動 ;

[歐洲臺灣協會]誠摯邀請國內鄉鎮長'議長'代表 ,藉由此次健走活動前來與會, 並與全球平和市長聯盟之領袖代表會談, 及進一步簽署加入全球平和市長聯盟, 為臺灣與全球各地的永久和平發聲 !

1. 請於2月15日確定報名與會之人選, 含姓名, 代表之縣市鄉鎮 (連英文姓名), 聯絡電話, email 與莊會長聯絡 ( euroxint@tin.it ) ;

2. 歐臺會將協助已報名代表進行報名手續與於布倫肯堡市旅館預訂, 並安排於歐洲機場接機, 與陸路交通及其它旅遊規劃 ;

報名 請洽 :  [歐臺會 2009年比利時健走參與團]
                   總幹事 : 義大利臺灣協會 - 莊振澤會長      
Res. Sassi, 511  Milano 2
Segrate (Mi) 20090  Italy
Tel: +39 02 26414090
Cell: +39 348 7109367
e-mail: euroxint@tin.it
skype: ita329

[ 本文最後由 dank21021 於 2009-1-8 01:12 編輯 ]


參與人數 2現金 +10 收起 理由
wang.hurh + 5 感謝分享
MING + 5 感謝分享! 推.......


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-8 00:50:46 | 顯示全部樓層

目前台灣僅有台北市與台南市加入此聯盟 , 但在歐洲有許許多多鄉鎮級的小城市加入 , 台灣應可效法 .
麻煩妳轉此函給仁武鄉沈英章鄉長 , 我們想邀請他前來 ,並負責籌組國內鄉鎮長'議長'代表團來參與 .

此代表團成員當然是要喜歡健走的 , "順便"加入[全球平和市長聯盟] , 藉機尋找門當戶對的好對象 ,日後可結為姐妹市 , 做做國民外交 .
當前台灣外交休兵 ,外交官休假 , 總統休克 ! 再這樣下去台灣休矣 ! 所以我們更不能休息 !!

此[鄉鎮長'議長'代表團]可併入[希望基金會]代表團 , 也可獨立報名 , 將由[歐臺會]協助 .
Thank you very much !



[歐洲臺灣協會]將租遊覽車, 分別自法蘭克福 ' 漢堡 ' 巴黎 三路齊發, 經幾個大城市一路"叫客", 載運留學生與旅歐台灣鄉親, 於5月1日在布魯塞爾集結, 參加布倫肯堡的第30屆國際健走節, 屆時將會是一次旅歐台灣人的嘉年華 !!


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 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-8 01:04:23 | 顯示全部樓層


International Two-Days Walk of Flanders in Blankenberge

20th Storm Walk in Blankenberge

23/11/2008A symbiosis of recreational sport, nature and cultureIt started as a small-scale project, but this winterwalking tourgrew into an enjoyable walk counting over a thousand participants. Alsothis year we are expecting a great many walkers, either individually orwith their club or even with their families, but even so manyinhabitants of Blankenberge who wish to get a fresh nose in this fall.

Blankenberge and environment seen from a different angleContrary to the Two days Walk we draw the attention specially to thesurroundings of Blankenberge, expanding towards Wenduine with thelongest course. This provides the walkers with quite a different pointof view on Blankenberge and its surroundings.

Blankenberge, a town on the moveBlankenberge has undergone a total change over the last years. Thatis the reason why we would like to have the inhabitants and all theparticipants take advantage of this Storm Walk to get acquainted withthe lesser known renewed paths, squares and buildings of our town.

Nature halds its trump cards also in wintertimeWe hope to walk either under a sun-drenched autumn sky or in astormy gale along a winter landscape. The fields are ploughed and wet,the trees have lost almost all their leaves and the beach and the duneshave been abandoned.
The ideal moment to get a fresh nose and taste the salty sea air.For walkers from inland this means an agreeable acquaintance withBlankenberge, its coast and polders, in a romantic and winterish form,no less good looking, far from the crowds and the daily worries. Forour inhabitants a renewed discovering of idyllic corners.
Date23 November 2008
Start and ArrivalHall "Forum"- Kerkstraat 66
at some 500 m from train of tramstation.
Distances6 – 12 and 18 km
Startfrom 8:00 till 15:00 hrs
Parkingpayable in town centre
payable on the parking of the railway station
FreeGlühwein and hot chocolate for all walkers
Inscription price€ 1,10 per participant (members of Aktivia)
€ 1,50 per participant
To serve you even better a rejuvenated and renewed structureDaily management
  • President: Luc Henau
  • Vice-president – secretary: Vera De Waegenaere
  • Financial manager: Eddy Vercruyssen
  • Supporting team:
    Pieter Corneillie, Koen Moyaert, Peter Norro, Jean-Christophe Schamp
  • President of the management meetings: Jean-Christophe Schamp
  • Storm Walk ("Stormtocht"):
    coordinated by Luc Vileyn
  • Walking Club:
    coordinated by Vera De Waegenaere with the assistance of Daniel Stroo
  • Exchange program Minamiboso:
    coordinated by Pol Gheysen with the assistance of Martine De Bruyne, Hilde Simkens and Martine Vanbelle
Project Two Days Walk
  • Subject animation:
    Pol Gheysen with the assistance of Dany Claerhoudt
  • Subject feast tent and catering underway:
    Tine Baert and Eddy Vercruyssen
  • Subject registrations and ICT:
    Pieter Corneillie, Vera De Waegenaere and Jan Storme
  • Subject material and organization Market:
    Luc Baert and Geert Barremaecker
  • Subject courses:
    Peter Norro, Koen Moyaert and Jean-Christophe Schamp
  • Subject PR and communication:
    Wouter Bode and Wim Moyaert
  • Subject sponsoring:
    Luc Henau, Thierry Piette and Paul Vanden Auweele
  • Active honorary board members:
    Xavier De Vos and Eugéne Rappé
40th International Two-days Walk of Flanders in BlankenbergeLet us Celebrate Together
an indulging Two DaysWith the rejuvenated and dynamic team the preparations for thejubilee edition have started. A lot of contacts have been establishedin order to spoil you, our walkers, even more by means of:
  • an adapted course so you can observe andappreciate even better the coast with its sea, its beach, the dunes,the dune thicket, the polders of Uitkerke and Oudland
  • an appropriate animation to please everybody : children, parents, young people and adults, even the retired
  • a comprehensive sampling of all kinds of products, such as a tastily fried North Sea fish and every day a free beer Brugse Zot / soft drinks
This jubilee edition was realized around the following themes:
  • Blankenberge: Internationaal rendez-vous for walkers
  • Active - Overview with an insight on the coastal landscape
  • Special guest: Taiwan
Please note definitely in your agenda 2 and 3 mei 2009 and be there!


[ 本文最後由 dank21021 於 2009-1-8 01:07 編輯 ]


參與人數 2現金 +5 短評 +1 收起 理由
mmarta + 1 感謝分享
Charlotte + 5 感謝分享


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-11 17:25:26 | 顯示全部樓層




參與人數 1現金 +2 收起 理由
winn + 2 感謝分享,請問其他地區也能跟洪阿姨報名嗎? ...


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-11 22:54:03 | 顯示全部樓層


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