發表於 2009-3-2 06:35:32
曬不到太陽身體就無法自己產生維他命 D 這一點來分享兩篇文章,
關於早期就缺維他命 D 跟多發性硬化症之間的關係
Vitamin D Deficit May Trigger MS Risk Gene
Supplements during pregnancy and early years could cut child's susceptibility, study says
(HealthDay News) -- A direct interaction between vitamin D and a common genetic variant may affect a person's risk of multiple sclerosis, according to British and Canadian researchers who also said that vitamin D deficiency while in the womb and early in life may increase the risk of MS later in life.
Both genetic and environmental factors play a role in MS, a neurological condition that affects 2.5 million people worldwide. Vitamin D is a major environmental factor, and the largest genetic effect comes from the region on chromosome six containing a gene variant called DRB1*1501 and from adjacent DNA sequences.
In the general population, about one in 1,000 people will develop MS. But that increases to about one in 300 among people who have a single copy of the DRB1*1501 and about one in 100 among people with two copies of the variant.
The study found that proteins activated by vitamin D in the body bind to a particular DNA sequence lying next to the DRB1*1501 variant, which causes the gene to switch on.
The study was published in the Feb. 6 edition of PLoS Genetics.
"In people with the DRB1 variant associated with MS, it seems that vitamin D may play a critical role. If too little of the vitamin is available, the gene may not function properly," study co-author Julian Knight said in a journal news release.
The researchers believe that vitamin D deficiency in mothers or even in a previous generation may lead to altered expression of DRB1*1501 in offspring.......
簡單地說就是研究發現早期缺乏維他命 D 會因此誘發基因的變種而提高將來得到多發性硬化症的可能
關於維他命 D 的幾個重要迷思、事實與統計
一、維他命 D 是由你的皮膚在接觸到自然的陽光中紫外線時產生的
二、即使只是玻璃的阻擋,也會阻隔了你的皮膚產生維他命 D 所需要的輻射線
三、想要由日常飲食中獲得適當含量所需的維他命 D 是幾乎不可能的,曝曬在陽光下是唯一可靠的方式。
四、如果要藉由喝加了維他命 D 的牛奶來攝取所需的量,一天至少要喝十杯才能達到所需的最低額。
五、住得離赤道越遠,所需要接觸陽光的時間就要越長以獲得所需要的維他命 D 量
六、膚色越深的人所需要曝曬在陽光中以獲得足量維他命 D 的時間比膚色淺的人長
七、人體對鈣質的吸收需要維他命 D 來幫忙,如果缺乏維他命 D 而不停地補充鈣質是沒有幫助的
八、長期缺乏維他命 D 是無法隔夜回復的
九、即使是低 SPF 的防曬用品都會阻擋維他命 D 的產生
十、身體有自己的平衡系統所以不會有產生過量維他命 D 的情況發生(很好奇是有回饋控制的機制嗎?)
十一、 如果用力壓你的胸骨會痛的話,那你已經缺乏維他命 D
十二、維他命 D 在可供使用前需要在你的肝臟以及腎臟先被激活
十三、如果有腎臟或者肝臟疾病的人會造成維他命 D 在身體循環的障礙
十五、雖然維他命 D 對你的身體這麼重要,但你並不需要醫師處方來獲得,你的身體會免費地製造產生它。
一定要多曬曬太陽才會遠離骨質疏鬆症還有憂鬱症。 |