I live in Bonn from 1 Jul. When I arrive in Bonn, my German host took me the CITI bank. I have charged 10 EUR service charges because we met a bad guy for exchanging only 500 EUR for the 1st time. Half month after I go to CITI bank the 2nd time, I met a very nice guy. He did not charge me anything. Thus, I decide to exchange the 3rd time and the result is the same as the 2nd time. I think different rule dependent on the counter even at the same CITI bank. No one know the rule of service charge because I have no CITI bank account. But...But...when I go to the CITI bank the 4th time, I met the bad guy of the 1st time I exchanged and being charged 10 EUR. He told me after 1 Jul., there is commission fee if you have no CITI bank account. And he said the CITI bank is a international bank. If you have a CITI bank account, maybe he can transfer your money in your account. In that condition, there is no commission. My God! No rule in Germany... I have been charged 20 EUR (500-10=490 in Jul 2009, 500 in Jul 2009, 500 in Jul 2009, 500-10=490 in Aug 2009, respectively) So wish you meet a nice guy and hope you enjoy the German life. Don't care too much the money.
Good Luck for the person who the new coming! |