來德國之前(8月底),我從台灣寄了兩箱的海運到德國,其中一箱因為直接送到海關,所以我自己去領到了,但是另外一箱是安全的通過海關,沒想到卻在送來我研究所時發生大問題了。他們因為找不到我,所以又把我的包裹送回台灣了! (網站顯示: address moved,同學幫我打電話的結果也是說現在包裹正前往台灣的途中...無言!!) 他們解釋是因為該地址找不到人,所以又按照原地址送回(我在單子上有勾該選項)。啊!痛心!光時間不說,又是一比花費啊!但是我後來想想,我的地址又沒寫錯,雖然我是在學校的醫院工作,人比較多且雜,但是好歹我也是填了所名、校名、路名啊!一樣不缺,他們為什麼都不試著找一下,就直接、立刻送回呢? (10/7抵達德國,9號送出但找不到人,10號立刻送回台灣!! 會不會太有效率啦!! 感覺不像德國人!!)
好,故事大概這樣。切入正題,我正打算寫信給他們的客服;但鑑於我之前寫了幾封英文信給他們(不好意思,小弟德文程度是零),但都是「肉包子」,而且之前在追蹤包裹時後來有用德文寫給他們(當然是google大神),隔天就回了。因此小弟現在用英文擬了一份草稿,懇請各位高手,高高手,前輩們幫忙翻譯一下!! (我知道我英文也不好,但是故事大概如上所述啦!!) 感激不盡!!
Hello, This is Mr. Cin-He Chang, a scientist at Uni. Bonn. I had made a request before for my parcel that was sent from Taiwan, the tracking number: 492023281652 or CC101814358TW. Afterward, I got your service reply soon, that indicated my parcel was already sent back to Taiwan again! The original request is the following: Ich habe eine dringende Anfrage für mein Paket, NR. 492023281652 oder CC101814358TW, aus TAIWAN. Mein Paket Ziel ist Bonn, aber jetzt war es nach Frankfurt geschickt und bereit, wieder nach Taiwan zu schicken. Wenn Sie diese Nachricht sehen, bitte leiten sie an meine neue Adresse: Hensstr. 16, 53173 Bonn. oder kontaktieren Sie mich. Tel: 0228-287-11823 oder Handy: 01577-9533752. Vielen Dank!!
However, I found the address I filled in is correct. I just wondered why your deliveryman did not try to find me or contact with me, but instead sent back Taiwan immediately? Since I had paid the ship cost once in Taiwan, I perceived that I may pay it again for your consignment. Therefore, because of your deliveryman's carelessness, I would like to ask that it is possible for you to send my parcel again to Germany as soon as it arrives at Taiwan? Thank you very much for your consideration and help.
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