不過他的Course Fees時在看的不是很懂
Lessons Total Course Fee Registration Fee Final Payment
150(BL , IL) 360.00€ 150.00€ 210.00€
50 (DAH-Crash) 120.00€ 50.00€ 70.00€
15(TestDaF-Crash) 45.00€ 20.00€ 25.00€
Please note that our course fees are subject to change. (The price of the
course start date is imperative, not the price at the time of registration.)
Please quote your first name and family name, the course title and the course
start date as a reference when you pay by bank transfer or by cash deposit.
You must pay the total fees for your course in advance at least one week
before the start of your course! The registration fee for the DSH or TestDaF
exam and the price for any course materials are not included.
We accept: ‧ cash payment at the IIK e.V. (receipt will be made out)
‧ payment by bank transfer into our account
‧ payment by cash deposit into our account (current charge 1,50€)
以上 看下來 所以我該匯款的總金額是 A2 到C1 360 X 4 =1440歐
註冊費 150歐
簽證證明 20歐
那 表格最後 最後付款210歐 這是指?
我還要多付210的意義嗎? |