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發表於 2007-5-19 17:12:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

All of us know, the Taiwan Straits is one of these whole world ' hazardous area '. Five or six hundred guided missiles is in the coast of China, aim at Taiwan island group. Need so many guided missiles to deal with so small island, it is in fact quite amazing - -The area of China is 256 times of Taiwan, population is 58 times. How far is it between two sides? From the coast of Mazu, you can actually see the villager walking on the opposite side. A fighter plane officer tells me, take off in the other bank to reach from the airport of Hsinchu, six minutes.

Experience of growing up moulds fabrication cost value

Say the Taiwan Straits is this term of a one that may threaten world peace ' ignites one ', as to Taiwanese , do not overstate at all. ' ignite ' are not joking. On one Jin Men Island less than 150 sq. km., there are 1,500,000 bombs, every sq. km. has 10,000 bombs, but this is not including 500,000 mines and 500,000 bullets are in having in storage. 70,000 residents share everyone to 22 bombs all right on Jin Men Island, eight mines, 44 bullets . The arsenal on Taiwan island, often spread too that explodes.

The war is not far from our memory. In 20 years after 1958 , probably have it on land that 1 million bombs shoot Jinmen. We grow up under the state in one ' wartime '. Before I was 12 years old, I perform many times carry little soldier of rifle in school already, kill ' enemy ' with bayonet, before I was 18 years old, I already participated in the speaking competition of mandarin many times, to recover continent, save compatriot propose intelligence and opinion with deep feeling and enthusiasm of me.

The fisherman going to sea is in charge of accusing of strictly, and because of the ' safe reason ', it have abundant communication apparatus to allow all the year round, coming storm wind, only destiny of putting out. We have the coasts of 1,500 kilometers, however, the coast is the military important place, so a lot of people can not swim . To the sea, we are frightened.

The so-called siege mentality, ' blockade the psychology ', we are very familiar.

I knew ' the Chinese 's of the first continent in 1979. More mutual growth course, we find actually picture very much. He has played the role of a small soldier, too ' fight the enemy ', he has participated in the speaking competition, too, and has sung countless patriotic songs. The difference between us only lies in : ' the hero ' of he and ' the martyr ' is ' the traitor ' and ' the sinner ' of me, ' the great man ' of I is ' the robber ' of him with ' the liberator ' with ' help '. ' revolution ' the word is  brought some terror to sound in me . ' left ' which he talks about, representatives are ' reactionary ', lag behind , guard , it so happened it is the ' right ' in my mind

So, is the values great difference between us? On deep value, we are actually the same. The names of the hero and martyr, traitor and sinner have been changed, but sentence to and fetch the loyal valued standard, it is totally the same set.

The difference is apparent after Taiwan became a democratic society officially in 1987. In Taiwan, uniformity ' heavy to narrate ', ' truth ' that capitalize ' little to narrate ' to replace countless an in small, broken bits one, any great idea capitalized is placed oneself above having by the personal value of small letter. Getting in any common understanding has almost through striving and grapple. Democracy makes Taiwanese's values having a deep change: National collective and personal relation, the asserting of right and obligation between the two, with in the past and present China, it has more basic difference.

China is not iron-plated

Human rights are a central value in democratic system. On this key idea, Taiwan has serious difference with China. But when I equate ' human rights ' with ' China ', you think I want discuss that how much writer, reporter pronounce on guilty of the speech, or in China how many condemned criminals are in every year, how much peasant removed and drift about aimlessly by force in every year. You are the West European people, I think, this kind of way to talk about human rights, you listen to too much, because this is a mainstream in wester Europe discussion, I would like to propose that another angle supports you to consider instead.

In fact, it is the reality of every day of China that the speech is controlled, and with the development in science and technology, its technology of controlling individual and media follows to change with each passing day. But while in charge of accusing of in this centralization of state that we witness, we can see to change from China. In 2005, demonstration and protest of the incident to happen in China are according to the large-scale masses with more than 90,000 times of statistics.

This right consciousness means in growing up fast in the people, even China media call out ' safeguard the rights annually ' in 2003. The young lawyer helps peasants to charge that the government encroaches right , the middle class goes to court for own private property of them, parents strive for educational right , some people ask for ' pet's right ' ,etc.


參與人數 7參與度 +49 短評 +1 收起 理由
chiayihsu + 10 辛苦了!!keep in touch!^o^
xbio + 10 感謝分享 辛苦了!
lugacamera + 5 有求必應耶∼超感謝的m(. .)m
immanuel + 10 強人~
Fanta王 + 2 精神值得肯定﹐加油~~~
chkuo + 10 + 1 感謝分享
berry + 2 感謝分享,辛苦你了


發表於 2007-5-19 20:15:20 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 2007-5-20 01:35:00 | 顯示全部樓層


For the Peace, Please Stop Hurting Taiwan

As all we know, the Taiwan Strait is one of the most “dangerous area " on the world. About five to six hundred guided missiles deployed along the coast of China are aiming at the Taiwanese island group. To deal with such a small island with so many guided missiles is quite astonishing - The area of China is 256 times larger and her population is 58 times bigger than those of Taiwan. How far is it between two sides? From the coasts of Matsu Islands, you can see the villagers walking on the other side. A fighter aircraft pilot told me,it took just six minutes from the Hsinchu airport to fly across the strait to the other side.


Experience from the growing phase building the values
To refer Taiwan Strait to a “ bomb fuse " is not exaggerated and even not a joke for Taiwanese people at all. On the Kinmen Island which is less than 150 km2,there are 1,500,000 bombs. Every km2 has more than 10,000 bombs, but it doesn’t include the 500,000 mines and the 500,000 bullets in depots. There are 70,000 residents on this island and in average every one there can “share” 22 bombs, 8 mines and 44 bullets . Besides that, some news about explosions in military arsenals on the Taiwan Island comes out from time to time.
The war is not far in our memory. Within 20 years since1958 , about one million bombs were dropped onto Kinmen Island. We grew up under the state of “wartime”.  Before I was 12 years old, I had already many times played as a little soldier carrying a rifle on the back to kill the enermies with a bayonet in many school performances. Before I was 18, I have already participated in countless speech competitions in mandarin Chinese with the topics such as “To restore Chinese Mainland, to save compatriots” and stated my bright views and deeply enthusiastic opinions.
The fishermen who worked on sea were under the strict control due to the so-called “ safety reason ". And they were forbidden to own adequate communication's equipments for a long term. When the storms were coming, what they deserved was the poor fortune of sinking into the sea. Taiwan has a 1,500 kilometer-long coastal strip, however, in the past the coast was a very important place for the military. Hence it was not a surprise why so many people could not swim . Because we were scared of sea.
to be continued

[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 11:32 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-5-20 01:36:59 | 顯示全部樓層
The so-called “siege mentality” very familiar for us
所謂siege mentality,「被封鎖心態」,我們是很熟悉的
In 1979 I knew the first“Chinese” from Mainland China. After comparing with our experience from the growing phase many things in common were found between us. The Chinese had played the role as a small soldier fighting against the enemies and participated in speech competitions too. Besides that he had also sung tons of patriotic songs. The difference between us only lay in : his “heroes” and “martyrs” were my “betrayers” and “sinners”. On the contrary “the greatest men” and “the liberators” in my heart were “ the robbers” and “the gangsters” in his head. Such the word “revolution” sounded a bit horrible for me, but on his side it meant justice. “The Left” he talked about represented reactionary , backwardness and conservatism what happened to mean “The Right” in my mind.


Therefore,the difference of the values between us is big? On the deepest value, we had no difference. The difference was the names of the heroes, martyrs, betrayers and sinners which were just exchanged, but the values Standard for justice and loyalty was exactly the same one.
But the difference has been getting bigger and bigger after Taiwan was formally democratized in 1987. In Taiwan the monochromatic “great statements” and the “truth” written with upper letters were taken place by countless slight “ small statements”, any great ambitions in upper letters were defeated by individual values in small letters. Any argreements and decisions must be approved after efforts and fights.  Democracy makes Taiwanese values go through a deep transformation, The relation between National collective and individual, the identity of rights and resiponsibilities between the both are totally different from the past and present China.
to be continued

[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 11:21 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-5-20 01:37:42 | 顯示全部樓層
China is not a iron plate

Human rights are the essential value in a democratic system. To this key point, Taiwan and Mainland China have also serious differences. But when I equate ' “human rights ” with ' China ', you will probably guess, I want to talk about how many writers, reporters are sent to jail due to the guilty of speech, or every year in China how many criminals are sentenced to death, how many peasants become homeless after their huts have been pulled down by force. You all are West Europeans, I think, this kind of way to talk about human rights you have heard too much befpre, because this is the master stream in the west European talks.
On contrary I would like lto lead you to think of this question from another angle.

All right. The control of the speech freedom is a fact in daily life in China.With the scientific and technological developments its ability to use new ways for controling individuals and mediums is getting more and more various.
Although we are the witnesses to this collective control, at the same time we have to notice something happening, which bring changes in China. In 2005, according to the statistical data over 90,000 massive demonstrations and protests broke out in China. It implies that the conscious of massive rights is awaken and growing rapidly. The year 2003 was even called by Chinese mediums as the year for protecting rights. Young laywers helped peasants to charge the government for breaking rules. People from the middle class fought for their private properties in court, parents fought for the education right , dog-lovers went on streets and called for respect to the rights of pets, and so on.

I realize, that China is not a iron plate. Her values are also splitting up. And in the interior where we can not see very clearly, the different values are playing a narrow game. The responsibility of the global community is right here – to know this new China with values changing in a deeper plane. And then to know, what we can do for this and what we can not, so that the reasonable, open-minded and peaceful side in the nterior of china can get a upper hand in this narrow game.


to be continued

[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 13:10 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-5-20 01:38:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Taiwan has human-rights problems?台灣有人權問題?

Perhaps you feel very strange about  that Taiwan has humanrights problems?

Just to say so, supposed, we have a small community, for what reasons we don’t allow the people living in this community to attend any conferences , don't allow them to take part in any decisions?  We don't approve them to be available in any important occations like celebrations, funeral services, commemoration activities?  We forbid the leader of this community to leave his and enter our community? Furthermore if the big community has caught fire, we don't inform them, or even going worse, they are not allowed to use their own name to call themselves.


I may ask, is this a violation of human rights?

With regard to economic power Taiwan is the 15th largest economic group. Regarding population, Taiwan is ranged to the 48th among over 200 countries in the world. However, Taiwan is nearly rejected in all international organizations. She must use money to “buy” the diplomatical relationship. The visit of her leader is full of humiliation and dishonour. In 2006 the flight of President Chan lost its way among countries. Although the style of his behaviors and manners was controversial, but the humiliation and the dishonour he suffered from was not for himself, but for the whole Taiwanese people.


International community has some knowledge on Taiwan’s politically isolated situation. But in my opinion, there is no concern from the international community in the depth and the width of this political isolation and how tough it hurts Taiwanese People. Not only in the political field, actually this isolation goes in all planes : arts, academia, education, and all sections. For example, in the movie films festival in Venice, There was no way for Taiwan to display their works in the public performance areas for countries. She must extra find a hall out of the public areas. And for the already available performance hall , we still have to worry every year, whether it can be reserved.


The most obvious and the sharpest example is certainly the case “ SARS “. When the pandemic broke out, Taiwanese officers who took charge of public health sent an emergent notice to the WHO for information and help. The reply they got was “ You are not a member, please ask Peking for help.“ However, at the begin for the pandemic, the Peking officials were not ready at all to face their own problems.


23 millions Taiwanese underwent the Martial Restriction for 37 years, Martial Restriction is somehow a form of national isolation. In the later phase of the Martial Restriction began the international Isolation for 35 years until today. Due to 37 years for Martial Restriction and 35 years for the international isolation, the impossibility to the emergence of the “symptom” is coming up. A survey made by a Taiwanese magazine in 2006 is surprising:


80% Taiwanese have no idea about where the headquarters of UN is.

80% Taiwanese don't know in which city the Nobel Prize in Literature is given.

80% Taiwanese shake their heads to the question “where is the largest rain forest on the world?”

The present currency in Germany is still a riddle for 60% Taiwanese.

60% Taiwanese can't speak out in which continent Athens is located.

Please don't wonder, whether this survey was done in a faraway remote village. Wrong!
The partners for the survey were just in Taipeh. And the citizens in Taipeh are the most educated on average in the Chinese circle.


to be continued

[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 11:41 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-5-20 01:39:11 | 顯示全部樓層
How to explain the membership of UN?

The so-called internationallt has actually become a common global community. However, the rights of Taiwanese for social and cultural issues are deprived. You know, depriving rights of social and cultural issues contradicts the United Nations Charter on humanrights. Please read the 2rd and the 22rd phrase in the Charter.


The rights in this Charter should not be disturbed by the individual politics, judiciary or the national status, no matter whether it is independent, under trusteeship, unsovereign , or any other forms of sovereign control


Through national efforts or international cooperations, every one has rights for economic, social and cultural issues. These rights are the must for his dignity and the individual development.


All west European countries have the membership in the UN. I just wonder, how you explain the essence in these two phrases to kids from Taiwan?


[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 13:14 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-5-20 01:39:46 | 顯示全部樓層
For the world peace

37 years for the active isolation, 35 years for the passive isolation, no matter active or passive, the people are innocent. Nowadays the international isolation and abandment to Taiwan makes Taiwanese have a such feeling, that they are punished because of realization of democracy. What the whole global community are just watching aside without doing anything is that Taiwanese kids generations for generations are growing up in this global village, they are intelligent and work with double efforts, but not only their global citizenship, also the basical dignity of a citizen are taken away.


The Harm from the Deprivation is double-sided


Firstly, The Quality of Taiwanese democracy can not be improved. Please tell me, a society that is not allowed to join in international issues, has no way to gain a pratice chance from international affairs, even no possibilities to contribute to the world and take its responsibility at the same time, how could such democracy become a one with high quality?


Secondly, the longer Taiwan is isolated, the deeper the people feel upset, the more hostile they are against the “maker for this isolation“ – China, the stronger their desires go to resist China and to become independent, so that the possibility to a conflict across the strait is getting higher and higher.


The international community should concern Taiwan’
s situation, not only for Taiwanese, also for the global security. The logic is that simple: On the way to Chinese modernization, the experience from Taiwan – no matter it is good or bad, is an important reference for China. If to say, a open, rational China with citizen attendance is necessary for the world peace and stability. That’s to say, more support and protection the Taiwanese democracy gains, the more stable the situation across the strait is , and for the world peace too.


The international isolation on Taiwan and the deprivation of the right for the global citizenship to Taiwanese kids, you can not overlook. It must stop, not only for Taiwan, also for the world peace.  


the End

[ 本帖最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-5-20 11:44 編輯 ]

[ 本文最後由 Fanta王 於 2007-6-5 00:10 編輯 ]


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berry + 2 感謝分享,辛苦你了
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-5-20 07:23:03 | 顯示全部樓層
感謝幫助翻譯,讓我省了許多青春寶貴時間,真是太感動了!!:sSp74br: :sYI86n7:
我要去敷臉了!!:skQ81c:          青春喔~~青春~~:skQ77pc:

[ 本帖最後由 medea 於 2007-5-20 08:29 編輯 ]


參與人數 1短評 +1 收起 理由
Fanta王 + 1 my pleasure~~~ just take ur time do ...



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