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實習簽--> 找工作簽 ?

發表於 2014-8-9 18:25:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
hi 大家好我目前拿的是實習簽證,簽證在9/5 號到期,想請問在簽證到期 之前能去延長 成 所謂的“找工作”簽證嗎?我沒有在德國讀書。但在這實習,想繼續工作。

(實習簽--> 找工作簽)
本來是想打算出境到英國 再入境 但觀光簽換工作簽應該要回台灣重辦,好耗時!

發表於 2014-8-10 21:41:03 | 顯示全部樓層
找工作簽只限於在德國讀書,畢業後想留在德國的工作的學生換的簽證哦…(居留目的: 從學生變成找工作)


http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/s ... #doc480826bodyText2

Jobseeker’s visa

Since 1 August 2012, foreign graduates with a German or other recognised university degree or a foreign degree comparable to a German degree will be eligible to enter Germany to seek employment. Holders of a jobseeker’s visa may stay in Germany for up to six months to seek employment whilst in the country. To obtain a jobseeker’s visa, applicants must simply furnish proof of their university degree and that they can support themselves for the duration of their planned stay. While seeking employment, jobseekers are not permitted to work, whether on a self-employed basis or otherwise.


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