Q: 哪裡買kaplan notes for step1. online or in bookstore?
A: kaplan notes 是Kaplan補習班的教材,參加補習班的同學人手一本。他們上完課賣
Q: 什麼是UW,Kaplan Qbank?
A: UW=usmleworld,是非常好的網上題庫。可以網上購買http://www.usmleworld.com/.
Kaplan Qbank是Kaplan公司提供的網上題庫,購買網址
http://www.kaplanmedical.com/Med ... ral.html?cid=572198
Q:Where did you get USMLE CD? I called ECFMG, they said the CD no longer exsit.
A: CD沒有了,直接去usmle官方網站down,免費。
Q: 安裝官方的2008 USMLE CD後出現不能看到圖,不能看題目的多媒體部分的問題?
A: Control Panel / Regional and Language Options 把所有Chinese的選項都去掉,包括Advanced裡的,圖就可以看到了。[感謝walterfl (Walter) ]
Q: 什麼是NBME練習題?
A: 是考試中心提供的練習題, $45/form, total 4-6 forms for each step.
Q: How did you figure out the right answer of NBME form 1-6? Is it very important to know all answers? It is really time consuming to search those answer?
A: NBME沒有標准答案,流傳的答案是某些牛人的800分答案。it is a learning process to figure out the right answers.
Q:Which NBME form to take first...last? which is worth buying because they
are closest to the actual test?
A: For Step1, I took form1 followed by form 2, form1 is said a little easier.
Usually you don't just take 1 form, as you may want to start NBME forms a
little earlier to monitor your progress. More ppl are taking form 5/6 now, don't know how comparable they are to the real test.
Q: 需要TOEFL 成績嗎
A: NO.Now the CS takes over it.
Q: 是不是一定要按順序考完step1,CK,和CS?
A: 前三個考試(step1,CK,CS)可以以任何順序考完。step3要等拿到ECFMG證書之後
Q: 復習考試需要多長時間?
A: 一般來說,step1 對老graduate,part time 4hr/day 一年,full time 8hr/day
半年。fresh graduate不用這麼長,step2,3也不需這麼長。
Q: Why some people got the same two digit score but different three digit
A: The USMLE score is a 3-digit number, based off a theoretical maximum of 300.
For some legal reasons the passing score must be represented as a 2-digit
number (that is, 75 is the passing score and 99 is the highest score),
therefore a 2-digit number is also used such that a 75 is equal to a 185 for
the USMLE Step 1. Any scores from 238(?) and up will be a “99”.
In 2008 the number of questions per block for Step 1 was reduced from 50 to
48, resulted a slightly different relationship between the 3-digit and 2-
digit scores.
Q: Which is more important factor for match, 2 digits or 3 digits score?
A: This depends on how people interpreting the scores. The 3-digit score has a
finer granularity, but some programs may simply use the 2-digit number as
the cutoff.
Q: If taking exam with the American medical students in May-June, does it affect the socre?
A: Very small effect, if any. The scores will be calculated based on the
current and previous test takers pool.
Q: 考古發現大家都在看三本書Gojan的Rapid Review Pathology/BRS Pathology /Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology. 時間緊,准備選擇一本啃了,三本有何區別呀,which one is better?
A: Goljan側重於病理生理,是大家公認的學習病理最好的參考資料。BRS Pathology 為系統的理論,條理清楚,如果能看進去Goljan這本可以不看。Robbins Review of Pathology 是一個1500多道題的題庫,有很多圖,可以增強感性認識,可以在看完前兩本任意一本後補充復習。
另外:- Dr. Goljan 這名字不念gol-dgen,正確念法是gol-'yang,重音在後面,Dr. Goljan 偏好這樣的純正polish發音。[感謝mvpzd (Moni)]
Q: step3從寄出申請材料到拿到schedule permit要多長時間? 如何選考試時間?
A: Usually the permit will arrive within 2-4 weeks after you send
application out. You can pick up any day within 105 days after your
application was approved.
Q: 如何聯系observership?
A: 請閱讀 精華區-observership目錄
A: observership是只看不能動手,不算作在美國的臨床經驗。機會相對容易獲得。
Q: 什麼是PTAL?
A: Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter, or "California Letter". PTAL
is notoriously slow. Generally it takes at least 4 months. 請參看§精華區§
A: 考試完成後,參加Match時,ERAS需要學校出具MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation,取代了以前的Dean's Letter)。NRMP的網頁上有參考模板。如果沒有,在ERAS可以選擇學校不出具,ECFMG會生成一張空白信件,幫助外國學生完成申請手續。至於這個MSPE有多重要,一般來講對於外國學生來講,尤其是老畢業生,並非十分有用,沒有這封信的同學也照樣Match進了MGH等名院。不過如果不難弄到,還是可以考慮弄一份。
Q: match是不是一定要綠卡?
A: 綠卡不是必要條件,但很重要。沒有綠卡也可以申請H1, 很多醫院有資格資助H1; 至於OPT,有朋友依此申請match成功,我們正在收集信息。
但他們偏向招有綠卡的。也可向ECFMG申請J1, (J1申請需要國家提供證明,不如H1容易做到)
Q: PhD對於match作用大嗎?
A: 對於family medicine, internal medicine這些科來說PhD作用不大,反而會因為畢
業太久有不良影響。對於pathology之類注重research的program PhD會有優勢。
Q: 我畢業超過10年了,還可以考嗎?
A: 可以,ECFMG對報考USMLE沒有畢業年數的限制。但很多residency program有3年或
Q: What is PGY1 or PGY2
A: PGY-1: post graduate year-1
Q: What is NRMP?
A: "National Resident Match Program". All the applicants and programs will
submit their ranking lists to NRMP in February. NRMP will run the magic
matching software and provide the match result.
Q: 住院醫需做多長時間,薪水多少?
A: 取決於專業的不同,3-5年不等(內、家庭、精神/神經等3年,病理4年、外科,婦產
Q: 我也想在老刀的博客裡考古,但是被鋸,說是沒有權限,也不知道怎麼回事!
A: 這個中文博客名:美國醫學教育博客;英文版名:US_Med_Edu
網址為:http://www.mitbbs.cn/pc/index.php?id=USMedEdu |