發表於 2007-5-2 21:24:58
原帖由 layin1 於 2007-5-2 22:12 發表
今天在做RIA cAMP I 125的實驗時
做到一半 ,覺得手好像沾到含I 125的液體,所以想換手套
手套脫到一半時 ,突然覺得有"一滴液體"飛到臉上!!:s4f46Zk:
當然因為還有其他的德國人在場(怕他們到處去 ...
1. 如果濺到衣服上,立刻除去該衣物(不要害羞!)
2. 用大量的『冷』水沖!不要讓毛細孔張開!
3. Isotope room 應該會有除contamination 的 detergent,但是,我不知道是否適用於皮膚( 參考http://www.nukepills.com/RadDecon/iodowash.htm)
4. 125-I ,如果沒有記錯,多吃含『碘』的食鹽(
Accidents with Radioiodine
As with any other radiochemical accident, help should be sought at the earliest opportunity from the Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor and the University RPA.
Skin contaminations of the fingers respond well to a brief immersion of the affected area in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
When a spillage involving unreacted radioiodine occurs, the spilled material should be treated with excess of sodium thyosulphate (hypo) solution to render it chemically stable prior to beginning the decontamination operation.
100 mgm of potassium iodide or iodate taken orally immediately after an accidental intake of radioiodine will reduce uptake of radioiodine by the thyroid, but as this material may cause mild discomfort in some individuals, the University Medical Officer should be contacted for advice before resorting to this remedy.
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