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International School Hannover Region的風評如何?

發表於 2015-2-2 08:37:56 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
各位在德國念書或工作的同學: 大家好!
在下已經50, 從年輕時代就非常嚮往到德國讀書. 但是我那個年代外語的基礎教育, 整個大環境僅僅提供英文及少許英語的訓練. 因此德國對我只是遙不可及的夢想. 現在步入中老年, 存了點錢, 想讓孩子到德國讀書. 從網路上找到這所學校 International School Hannover Region 想請教同學幫我探聽一下這所學校的風評, 尤其是小學部師資的評價如何, 還有小學部各年級是否有華人學生. 麻煩各位在台灣同學會的網站提供意見. 如果有同學能幫我介紹念該所學校學生的家長, 在下感激不盡! 在下英文名叫Paul, 英文書寫沒有問題, 但是不懂德文.  感激各位的幫忙!
發表於 2015-2-2 09:46:17 | 顯示全部樓層
My advice would be  to let your kid join original  german school...

1. most int'l schools in germany are more commercially oriented and of course take tuition fee . The original german schooling system is free of charge , either for local Germans or foreign students
2. your kid will learn another foreign language... which will be only of his own advantage in the long term...though it might be hard in the beginning, but it should be relatively easy for young students
 樓主| 發表於 2015-2-3 07:10:50 | 顯示全部樓層
I appreciate your advice. If you know any parents whose kids study at elementary schools in the city of Hannover, please tell me. Thanks a lot.     Best Regards, Paul


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