發表於 2008-11-23 11:35:19
以下所有內容截譯自the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) 官網的FAQ
The SELECT Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) met in September 2008 to review the data to date. Thanks to each and every participant, enough data were available to make a decision about the effectiveness of the Study Supplements. The data showed that 200 mcg of selenium and 400 IUs daily of vitamin E do not prevent prostate cancer. Investigators from the study leadership and the National Cancer Institute agreed with the DSMC’s findings. Participants in SELECT should stop taking their Study Supplements.
SELECT s not over. There is valuable information to be gained by continuing participant follow-up. The data to date suggest, but do not prove, that vitamin E may slightly increase the chance of getting prostate cancer, and that selenium may increase the chance of getting diabetes mellitus. We emphasize that these findings are not proven. We will learn more about the effects of the Study Supplements as we continue to monitor our participants’ health. Participant safety is our priority.
1. Why did SELECT get these results, when previous studies suggested that selenium and vitamin E are helpful?
Answer: The incidence, or rate of occurrence, of prostate cancer in the other studies was not the primary focus or endpoint. Men in those studies were not screened with the blood test of PSA (prostate specific antigen) and DRE (digital rectal exam) regularly. SELECT is the only study where the question of whether either selenium or vitamin E would prevent prostate cancer was asked directly and where prostate cancer was the primary endpoint.
Clark LC, Combs GF Jr, Turnbull BW, et al. Effects of seleniumsupplementation for cancer prevention in patients with carcinoma of theskin. A randomized controlled trial. Nutritional Prevention of CancerStudy Group. JAMA 276:1957-1963, 1996)
2. Should you avoid taking a multivitamin that contains either or both of these supplements?
ANS:No, as long as you take only one multivitamin a day.
ANS: 不需要,只要你按照規定一天只吃一顆綜合維他命的話。
3.Since vitamin E and selenium don’t work, is there anything else you can do to help reduce your risk of prostate cancer.
Answer: The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) showed that taking the drug finasteride reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 25%. You should discuss with your doctor whether it makes sense for you to take finasteride. Finasteride may also be prescribed for men with lower urinary tract symptoms due to prostate enlargement (BPH).
ANS: 根據The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial的研究顯示,攝取finasteride將可以減低25%的攝護腺癌發生率,請跟你的醫師討論是否需要攝取finasteride。(finasteride是啥? 就是沛柔嚕....)
4. Why do we still want to collect data from SELECT participants if we already know the results?
Answer: These supplements, selenium and vitamin E, may have biologic effects even after you stop taking them. We want to continue to collect data to learn of any long-term effects of these supplements on the risk of prostate cancer and other diseases including cardiovascular disease and other cancers.
跟上面的聲明差不多 所以就先不翻了
5. Is there any value or harm if you eat foods high in selenium or vitamin E?
Answer: There are no proven benefits or harms if you eat foods high in selenium or vitamin E.
ANS: 目前為止,膳食中的高量的硒元素與維他命E並無任何被證實的效用或是傷害。
補充硒元素可能會導致血糖升高,補充維他命E 則可能反而會使攝護腺癌惡化。
[ 本文最後由 Pheretima 於 2008-11-23 17:06 編輯 ] |