WSF - World Social Forum�「世界社會論壇」
這麼多年下來,「世界社會論壇」不再只在單一地點開會,而是開枝散葉,在世界各洲都有「分壇」,而diffusion也成為他們組織的模式--這個論壇本身是一個實驗。他們的口號"Another world is possible"正說明它的實驗特質:不願接受世界經濟政治強權的擺弄,它要另一個世界,所以就不能遵循對方的思考和行為模式。這個論壇不僅在實際生活層面挑戰世界和經濟霸權,它的發展正在考驗政治學以及社會學的學理。
What the World Social Forum is
TheWorld Social Forum is an open meeting place where social movements,networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed toneo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form ofimperialism come together to pursue their thinking, to debate ideasdemocratically, for formulate proposals, share their experiences freelyand network for effective action. Since the first world encounter in2001, it has taken the form of a permanent world process seeking andbuilding alternatives to neo-liberal policies. This definition is inits Charter of Principles, the WSF’s guiding document.
The WorldSocial Forum is also characterized by plurality and diversity, isnon-confessional, non-governmental and non-party. It proposes tofacilitate decentralized coordination and networking amongorganizations engaged in concrete action towards building anotherworld, at any level from the local to the international, but it doesnot intend to be a body representing world civil society. The WorldSocial Forum is not a group nor an organization.
他們的章程很長就不轉貼了,請參考World Social Forum Charter of Principles |