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請問有人在Las vegas 結婚的嗎? 請分享經驗,謝謝

發表於 2013-10-22 10:00:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
來回台灣,德國辦資料 時間和金錢實在是...
所以打算在Las vegas 結婚 ,順便在美國蜜月
想請問在Las Vegas 公證後的結婚證書最簡便的方法是不是在美國的台灣辦事處及德國大使館公證呢?
發表於 2013-10-24 18:11:08 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2013-10-24 21:25:07 | 顯示全部樓層


If you wish to get married in Copenhagen we advise that you read the following instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please telephone the City of Copenhagen at (+45) 33 66 33 66.

You have to fill in a marriage form and present it along with the following documents:

Foreign citizens have to present:

Valid passportsResidence permits if you live abroadSchengen-visa if required or proof of entry and arrival to Denmark or SchengenCertificate of marital statusDivorce decree if you've been divorcedDeath certificate if youare a widow/widower
You can submit the documents by postal service, e-mail or by personal attendance:

Københavns Rådhus
1599 København V


Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00

At the moment you can expect a response from the Wedding Office within 5 to 6 weeks.

Notice: Please note that we accept copies of all the documentation but require that you and your future spouse present the original documents in person at the above address. The deadline for presenting the original documents is the business day before the wedding date at 12:00PM.

Important: It is a condition for getting married, that you present the original documents in person as specified above.

When all the documents are in order, you will be charged a fee of DKK500 - 70 Euros. After you have paid the fee, you can book a date for marriage (Please write your e-mail in the marriage form).
More information about certificates and divorce decrees.

Certificate of marital status (no older than four month) from your present place of residence (if different).     
The certificate of marital status must state:
Date of birth
Place of birth
Marital status

The certificate must be translated by an authorized translator into Danish, English or German if in another language.

NB! Certificate of marital status can (if necessary) be required from other places than the ones mentioned above.

If one or both of the parties are divorcees

Divorce decree:

  • Complete original divorce decree, legally signed.

  • The endorsement must bear the text ‘The Decree of Divorce has not been and cannot be appealed to a higher court. The parties are free to remarry’. Only decrees and certificates from the latest marriage should be submitted.

  • The Registry office must approve the divorce decrees before you will be able to get an appointment.

  • The decree should be submitted in the original and in a translated version, if not issued in Danish, English or German. Translations alone are not sufficient.

If one or both of the parties is/are a widow or a widower

Death certificate:

  • Death certificates must be approved before you will be able to get an appointment.

  • The certificate should be submitted in the original and in a translated version, if not issued in Danish, English or German. Translations alone are not sufficient.

NB! Divorce decrees and death certificates issued in countries outside the European Union (with exception of the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, a.o.) must be presented in the original with a Legalization/Apostille. The complete Legalization must also be translated and handed in.


  • Legalization: Tripartite verification of the original document (not copy of the original) via the Interior- and Exterior Ministry of the issuing country as well as of the Danish or German Embassy.

  • Apostille: Single verification of the original document (not copy of the original) via the Exterior Ministry of the issuing country.

[ 本文最後由 menghan 於 2013-10-24 21:27 編輯 ]


參與人數 1短評 +1 收起 理由
Chia-chi + 1 實用資訊


發表於 2013-10-25 15:01:54 | 顯示全部樓層
對不起, 很好奇的是, 妳的未婚夫不用回德國申請"單身證明"嗎??  如果必須的話就還是不能免的要回德國一趟, 還有, 你們不請在台灣的親友參加結婚典禮了嗎? 如果是要回台灣宴客, 那為什麼不在台灣結婚呢? 你老公回德國申請單身證明後, 可以到台灣在德國的辦事處驗證那個證明, 當天無法發還, 但辦事處可以用郵寄的方式寄還(需付郵資), 然後你們在台灣結婚時, 戶政機關可以給你們英文版本的結婚證書(也是無法當天領, 但拜託一下也有隔天就好的), 記得老公要給他取個中文名字, 然後拿到法院公證處公證, 隔天就可領件, 再拿到德國在台協會, 我那時有預約, 等個15分鐘就拿到結婚證明的公證了.  如果你住台北就很方便, 不用跑很遠的地方或其他城市去.   這樣在台灣你們是登記結婚了, 再來就是等你們來德國時登記, 我知道荷蘭是可以用郵寄方式登記結婚, 德國我就不知道了, 可以請你的阿娜達問一下, 這樣也就不用花一堆錢, 飛來飛去了啊


參與人數 1短評 +1 收起 理由
Chia-chi + 1 感謝分享


發表於 2013-11-13 08:30:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 egon0217egon 於 2013-11-13 08:40 編輯

 樓主| 發表於 2013-11-20 07:32:33 | 顯示全部樓層
egon0217egon 發表於 2013-11-13 08:30
結婚後在當地的台北及德國代表驗證較建議.二十年前就是不知以為拿到的是正式的結婚證書.後來回台要辦登記時 ...

20年前嗎? 你的意思是說, 從美國拿到以認證的結婚證書,回台登記時還要單身證明嗎? ?? 樓上的Nelle 提供的連結,有讓未婚夫看了一下,目前的資訊是,好像不用單身證明,在Lasvegas 結婚後可申請正式結婚證書, 由美國當地的德國大使館,台灣辦事處認證即可,到時台灣及德國在拿著結婚證書登記一下就可,我結婚後再來分享一下好了
發表於 2013-12-12 07:02:20 | 顯示全部樓層
fabulousgal 發表於 2013-11-20 07:32
20年前嗎? 你的意思是說, 從美國拿到以認證的結婚證書,回台登記時還要單身證明嗎? ?? 樓上的Nelle 提供的 ...



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