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「2023 Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」開始徵件!

發表於 2023-3-14 15:44:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
文化部為推介臺灣青年藝術家登上國際藝術舞台,特規劃辦理「Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」,公開徵選8位(組)國內優秀年輕藝術家於「Art Taipei 2023臺北國際藝術博覽會」展出,以獎勵臺灣青年藝術創作,促進當代藝術發展。自即日起至5月10日止受理報名,詳情可至以下網址下載簡章:https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_151555.html

Call for Entries for 2023 Made In Taiwan in Art Taipei
In order to promote young Taiwanese artists internationally, the Ministry of Culture is planning to organize the "Made In Taiwan" zone to select 8 outstanding young artists from Taiwan to exhibit at the Art Taipei 2023 to reward young Taiwanese artistic creations and promote the development of contemporary art. Applications will be accepted from now until May 10. Please find application form here: https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_151555.html


GMT+1, 2024-7-27 04:07

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