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發表於 2024-4-10 16:22:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
希臘奧林匹亞夏季學院(https://eccd.gr/en/delphi/) 將於2024年7月開設短期政治與國際關係研修課程,邀請我國優秀大學生、研究生與旅歐學子等踴躍報名。報名相關資訊請洽詢olympia@navarinonetwork.org  

(三)、上課地點:希臘 Delphi「歐洲文化中心」(European Cultural Center)
(四)、課程主題:分為「地緣政治風險分析」(Geo-Political Risk Analysis)、「恐怖主義與反恐主義」(Terrorism and Counterterrorism) 以及「中國崛起:國內與全球視野」(The Rise of China: Domestic and Domestic and Global Perspectives)   

Olympia Summer Academy 2024 will be held in Greece on July and run in three parallel course-cycles. If you are interested in this summer program, please contact [url=mailtolympia@navarinonetwork.org]olympia@navarinonetwork.org[/url]  Followings please see program information:  Date: July 9-12, 2024 Venue: European Cultural Centre of Delphi (https://eccd.gr/en/delphi/); Delphi; Greece. Courses: (Geo)Political Risk Analysis Terrorism and Counterterrorism The Rise of China: Domestic and Global Perspectives  


GMT+1, 2024-7-27 09:23

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