The following documentsshould be attached to the application for admission:
A certifiedcopy of the school leaving certificate giving the right of entry to higher education in thecountry of issue (e. g. Abitur, Baccalauréat, GCE – A&O-Level, etc.),including the accompanying list(s) containing the individual marks.In addition, a certified translation intoGerman is required unless thecertificate is written in English or French.→請問這是經過公證後的高中畢業證書(英文版)嗎? 不需要付上高中的修課證明,對吧!?
Certified copies of alltertiary education certificates (college, etc.) previously acquired, including the accompanying list(s)containing the individual marks
for each semester or academic year. In addition, acertifiedtranslation into German
is required unless the certificate is written in English or French. If theapplicant has completed any semesters at a German university or is currentlymatriculated here, all of the respective certificates of matriculation must beattached (original or certified copy/copies).→這應該是大學的英文版畢業證書和修課證明
certified copy
of the
assessment examination
certificate if a respective examination has beentaken in Germany, including the accompanying
list containing the individualmarks.→特殊領域需經入學考試,我想這應該不是必須的;如有錯誤請大家糾正。
Ifany entrance examinations
have been completed successfully at universities in othercountries:certified copies of the respective certificates including the accompanyinglists containing the individual marks and – if applicable – the notice(s)of admission received. In addition, a certified translation into German is required unless the certificate is written inEnglish or French.→其他國家的入學證明,這是不是也非必需?
of proficiency in German; in order to participatein the DSH examination (“Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang”)
at Heidelberg University, the applicant has toprovide written evidence that he or she has completed at least 1,000 to 1,200hours of German lessons at a recognised institution.
1 passport photograph
(not exceeding a size of 4 by 5 centimetres)→德語能力證明
3 international replycoupons (Coupon-RéponseInternational)→3個國際回郵信封
Proof of financial resurcesfor studies in Germany→財力證明
Passportcopy (of the page containing the name in Latin script)→護照影本
' 同時自己還有幾個問題:
以上是我自己的幾個問題,還麻煩學長姐們幫忙解答了,謝謝! |